Friday, March 30, 2018


Now that I have posted 19 Classic Ladies so far, when I look at the rankings I see that some housekeeping is needed.

It is clear to me that I have let my boyhood crushes on Sophia Loren and Claudia Cardinale carry too much weight in the rankings, and have not relied on the criteria I used for everyone else, which is generally (in ascending order of importance):

    1. Is she sexy?
    2. Are there nude photos of her?
    3. Has she appeared nude (and better yet, have sex) in her movies?

While I have considered other "intangibles" to compensate for shortcomings in the above criteria, I think I have gone overboard for some on the list. So today I am re-ordering the rankings to place more emphasis on the criteria above.

Also, rather than rank each name as I post them (which results in a constant renumbering for everyone below the new arrival), I am going to list all the names on the sidebar, and add a link to each name as her entry is posted. Today (in my spare time!), I have bubble-sorted about 90 names, based on where I think they should be, relative to each other using the above criteria. This will probably be tweaked over time, but it gives me a starting point.

On second thought, so that I don't overwhelm you or me, I will just post the top 40 names for now. Everyone already posted is within the "new" top 40, and the next dozen or so posts will be also. When I start to post others above that, I will add the remaining names to the rankings. As I said above, there may be some tweaking of the rankings in the future, since I may have overlooked someone (Brigitte Bardot, for example!)

Here are the adjustments:
Sophia Loren       #1 to #11
Claudia Cardinale  #2 to #12
Paola Senatore     #3 to #2
Uschi Digard       #4 to #3
Anna Nicole Smith  #5 to #9
Sonia Braga        #6 to #6
Raven de la Croix  #7 to #7
Joan Severance     #8 to #18
Sybil Danning      #9 to #17
Raquel Welch       #10 to #23
Jayne Mansfield    #11 to #19
Pam Grier          #12 to #24
Ursula Andress     #13 to #29
Jacqueline Jones   #14 to #22
Dona Speir         #15 to #28
Victoria Principal #16 to #30
Jill St. John      #17 to #32
Linda Blair        #18 to #31
Sylvia Kristel     #19 to #25
Hmm... Blogger wants a photo for the thumbnail, so:

Also, feel free to comment. I won't bite!

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