Mie Hama is a Japanese actress best (probably only) known for appearing as "Kissy", opposite Sean Connery in 1967's "You Only Live Twice". If you haven't seen that, shame on you.
Originally she was hired to play the larger part of "Aki", the other Japanese female agent, but Mie had trouble learning English, so the two ladies switched. It's all good, because the other girl was killed off way too early in the movie.
Her movies I have seen:
+*1967 - You Only Live Twice
+best bet
*would watch again
Her movies I'd like to see:
She was in 87 movies, but the other 86 were Japanese flicks, so I will pass.
"No, Mr. Bond-San. Think again, please."
She's so pretty and (as Tiger Tanaka says in the movie) sexi-ful.